Monday, March 24, 2014

Teach Speech: Instruct AND Encourage Wonder! Due Monday, March 31

Use Microsoft PowerPoint (save as 97-2003) or Google slides., or
- Content should reflect YOUR understanding. Do not copy and paste from the Internet (this is plagiarizing).
- Keep the design very basic and simple. It shall not distract.
- Pick an easy to read font face.
- Consistently use the same font face and sizes on all slides.
- Keywords only. No sentences! No paragraphs!
- No more than six bullet points per page.
- Use images to reinforce or complement your message, not to decorate.
- Use images to visualize and explain. Talk about your pictures. Gesture.
Cite all images below the actual image, whether from Microsoft clip art or a website.
- No animations or useless graphics. (School computers are slow.)
- Have a title slide, table of contents slide, organized content slides, and a source slide.
- Practice! Be prepared!
- Know your slides inside out.
- Never read your slides; talk freely.
- Know how to pronounce all words. will pronounce most words for you.
- Speak with confidence – loud and clear.
- Don’t speak too fast. You are not giving your speech for yourself. You are giving your speech to teach OTHERS what you learned.
- Maintain eye contact with the audience.
- Bibliography (source slide) should include at least three sources. One must be a book.
- Relax! You made an INTERESTING presentation. We will enjoy it and learn from it! :)
- Presentation should be 3-5 minutes long.
- Include a 'Clap, Clap, Discuss' during your talk.